Not Your Mama’s Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Oh Mother’s Day, where dreams of time to ourselves and relaxing breakfasts in bed dissolve into exhausting forced fun and resentment.  

Fuck that noise.

We deserve so much more.

This past week has been excruciating for women in the United States. What we really want for Mother’s Day is legalized abortion, paid leave, universal childcare, common sense gun legislation, and equal pay. In order to keep up the good fight we need to care for ourselves in a very real way. So we’re skipping the sad grocery store flowers this year and treating ourselves to these instead.

1. Matching Loungewear

Skip getting dressed up for an exhausting Mother’s Day brunch and have the fam cozy up in matching sweat suits. Or better yet __ alone in your bed with the shades drawn. Dinner is served…on the couch tonight, team. And mom isn’t doing the dishes. These Primary sweats come in adult and kid sizes with a variety of colors — with gender neutral options.

Starting at $44 from Primary

2. Kids and Parent Affirmation Cards

Parenting is an act of love, but it’s also sometimes (a lot of the time) pretty brutal. Thanks but no thanks for the sappy greeting card, make the affirmation last longer with ELO’s affirmation cards. An added bonus? They’ll inspire some gratitude and chill in your tiny tyrants kiddos.

$35 from ELO

3. ORCA Chaser Cafe Set

The cold coffee memes are as tired as a mom up six times a night with an infant. Hot coffee is truly the bare minimum and we need it.

 This ORCA chaser cafe set will keep your coffee warm – or your wine cold – so you get that sweet jolt of energy or relaxation even when surrounded by screaming children.

$19.99 from ORCA Coolers

4. Picnic Blanket Tote

Soccer games. Softball practice. Playground adventures. You probably spend your fair share of time outside. Meet Food52’s stylish picnic tote. Perfect for zoning out at your kid’s practice while pretending like you’ve been paying attention the whole time.

$20 from Food52

5. The INNOVO Pelvic Floor Kit

Let’s return to a time when only our kids pee their pants, shall we?

The INNOVO pelvic floor kit strengthens those essential muscles at the press of a button. Becoming a mom likely caused your leakage problems, so why not have your kids and spouse chip in for the solution?

$500 from INNOVO

6. PlushCare Online Therapy

Motherhood is hard AF. Seriously, it’s so damn hard. Normalize asking for help this Mother’s Day.

PlushCare’s virtual therapy will give you the opportunity to seek professional help at home. No more making excuses. Therapy is the gift that keeps on giving.

$149 from PlushCare

7. Food Delivery Service

You need a break. From. Cooking.

Ask your family to have food or ready-to-cook meals delivered to your house for a week (or longer if you’re feeling even bolder). There are plenty of food services out there to choose from based on what you like. If you’re in the Greater Toronto region, Aiyana has some amazing healthy options, including bundles that will cover breakfast, lunch and dinner for the whole week. 

$210 from Aiyana

8. Paying for Childcare

Receiving the gift of childcare for Mother’s Day could be life changing. Mama needs a break.

We dig Vivvi’s education model: self-soothing, literacy, even potty training.

Learn more about tuition at Vivvi

9. Birth Control

This might seem counterintuitive for Mother’s Day, but for many of us , never going through the pain of childbirth again (at least until we’re ready) is exactly what we want. It’s that simple. 

Check out these bundles from Favor. Everything you need delivered to your house in discreet packaging.

Affordable prices with or without insurance from Favor

10. Virtual Wine Tasting

No tired mommy wine tropes here. Mom wants a virtual wine tasting to get the vineyard treatment at home – maybe even on the couch in our brand new sweatsuit? 

Book your virtual tasting with In Good Taste, and you can choose six to eight wines to be shipped to your house. 

Book your tasting from In Good Taste

11. Tonies Story Boxes

Bedtime slowly sucking the life out of you? It might be time to delegate. 

These Tonieboxes will tell stories to your kids like a little bedtime assistant. This might seem like a gift for them more than you, but the gift of delegation is the gift of a reprieve. 

$109 from Tonies

12. Cleaning Service

Continuing the theme of delegation, take a week off cleaning by asking for a cleaning service this Mother’s Day.

$99 from Handy

13. Toys for Mom

Last, but certainly not least, on our list is a little something you might want to open after bedtime. Pick out one (or more) and send your spouse the link. When the Mother’s Day festivities are over, enjoy some time to yourself. 

Starting at $18 from Dame 

Angela Cuseo

Angela Cuseo is a 30-year-old aging sarcastic millennial who uses words as a form of therapy. Works in the Entertainment Industry, mother to a 3-year-old fiery red-head named Blakely, Colorado transplant from Los Angeles. Most importantly, still figuring it all out.


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