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Life Unfiltered: Why I Opened Up About My Cancer Scare on Social Media
“Online communities like Big Little Feelings and Not Safe For Mom Group are normalizing non-idyllic, often hush-hush parts of parenthood like toddler meltdowns and missing your pre-kid life.”
VIVVI EARLY LEARN: Decision Fatigue in Parenting (Webinar)
A conversation with clinical psychologist Dr. Ilyse Dobrow DiMarco and Not Safe for Mom Group founder Alexis Barad-Cutler, digging into what causes “Decision Fatigue” and how to use coping strategies to help lower the stakes and put things into perspective.
TODAY SHOW: Meet the Online Group Where Moms Can Vent, Curse and Be Real, by Danielle Campoamor
Not Safe For Mom Group gets an in-depth profile from TODAY reporter Danielle Campoamor featuring quotes from own community members, and our own head of marketing, Manisha Priyadarshan, who says:
"We made it a place where you can say anything you want and ask anything you want," she added. "And that has really helped to give everyone that inclusive feeling."
BLOOMBERG.COM: Covid Vaccines for Kids Under 5 Relieve Working Parents, by Kelsey Butler
Bloomberg journalist Kelsey Butler asked our founder Alexis for her take on what moms seemed to be feeling about the news of the Covid vaccine soon becoming available for kids under 5. Read on to see Alexis’s quote in the article:
THE NEW YORK TIMES: Mommy Is Going Away for a While, by Amanda Hess
Journalist Amanda Hess wrote an achingly beautiful piece about society’s worst fear: the mother who leaves her child. In addition to sharing space on the page with references to Sex and the City, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Joan Didion, Not Safe For Mom Group was referenced as a space where “the airbrushed mirage of mothering is being challenged by displays of raw desperation.” Click below to read the full quote, and this must-read piece of journalism.
NEW YORK FAMILY: Chamber of Mothers: a Coalition Takes on Family Paid Leave
Author and journalist Alexis Barad-Cutler, one of the founding mothers of Chamber of Mothers, shared with New York Family, “Now is the time to GET LOUD about making paid leave a national policy and keeping it in the Build Back Better recovery package. If we don’t rally mothers around this issue in a serious way, this could potentially die down and get cut from the package. We don’t need another hot button issue to get angry about on social media every year. We need a groundswell that results in real change on Capitol Hill. . . (cont’d)
R&R LABS PODCAST - Season 6, Episode 97
Radicals & Revolutionaries podcast host Jillian Foster, speaks with Not Safe For Mom Group founder Alexis about the reasons she first started (nsfmg) and how, at one point, the portrayal of motherhood on social media warped her sense of self. This episode digs into that and more as Alexis shares what mothers in her group are most worried about, the importance of communication and support between partners, the implications of resentment, and more.
You can now listen and subscribe to R&R Lab to hear my interview via your fav podcast app.
MOTHERLY - The NSFMG Varsity Crew Sweatshirt is in Motherly!
We were so thrilled to see some of our favorite Not Safe For Mom Group swag in this time-lapse video of working mother of three Megan Drye Harper from Motherly. To watch the whole video, go here. To purchase a sweatshirt of your own, click here.
PARENTS.COM — Can We Address the Real Reason Moms Are Drinking More, Please?
We've seen the memes and the TikToks, but what is really behind the seeming rise in moms drinking, especially during the pandemic? We spoke to psychologists and experts in alcohol dependency for insight into the cause of this oft-ignored problem and how to stop it.
Originally published on Parents.com on June 24, 2021
On this week's episode, Alyssa and her friend Alexis discuss the origin of Alexis's company: Not Safe For Mom Group. They talk about reasons why women may not feel as if they have a voice during this time and in general.
Listen here.
Tamron Hall (ABC Network): Women and Moms Using Alcohol To Cope
(Tamron Hall, ABC Network) -- Unpacking the hidden crisis of how increasing numbers of women and moms are using alcohol to cope, especially during the pandemic, and steps to take for help..
Mom of two, Alexis Barad-Cutler is the founder of Not Safe For Mom Group — a safe space for women to express thoughts and questions they don’t talk about in public. She Skypes in for a candid conversation about mommy wine culture and her struggle with alcohol during the pandemic.
This episode aired April 13, 2021.
Click featured image to watch, or Watch On Youtube. Read more of what Alexis has to say about the episode here.
NEW YORK FAMILY - Resources for NYC Moms to Help You Get Back on Track
A group, unlike the usual mom meetups, Not Safe For Mom Group (nsfmg) offers support and a stigma-free digital space with a community of mothers from all over the world. This is a safe space where you can express anything on motherhood via Not Safe For Mom Group (nsfmg) popular Instagram Stories, which offers mothers the ability to do so anonymously if they choose.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Read the rest here.
Originally published on New York Family on March 10, 2021
CNN - The preliminary success of reopening New York City schools and what it may mean for other districts
(CNN) -- The New York City public school system, the largest school district in the country, has so far been able to reopen for in-person instruction without a massive outbreak of coronavirus cases.
Alexis Barad-Cutler lives in Brooklyn Heights and has two sons in first and fourth grade that are each in school two days a week. There have been no cases of Covid-19 at their elementary school.
"I'm feeling really optimistic," Barad-Cutler said. "I expected at the end of the summer, going into the school year was that we would for sure be closed down by now."
Barad-Cutler, founder of Not Safe for Mom Group, a community group for mothers, said a huge topic for her members over the summer was whether it was safe for their kids to return to school.
"The question of should we send our kids back to school was one of the most contentious topics that we could have possibly discussed," she said. "I think that New York City has set a really great example in terms of their safety measures across the board."
The Well Series - Blood & Milk Women: Navigating the Million Different Hats of Motherhood During a Pandemic Year
Cora and Blood & Milk are proud to present The Well, a virtual event series for every body. In this free event presented by Cora and Blood & Milk -- Randi Zinn, Founder of The Going Beyond Movement, and Alexis Barad-Cutler, Founder of Not Safe For Mom Group (nsfmg) discuss:
The importance of showing up for yourself even when it feels like everyone else needs you
Their own experiences of motherhood during the pandemic—the good, the bad, and the ugly
Communities and resources for moms to remember you’re not alone in this experience
Recording coming soon.
NBC News - COVID-19 drinking spawns new 'mommy juice' memes. But the truth isn't cute — or funny.
(NBC News) -- “Six months of isolation has certainly impacted Alexis Barad-Cutler’s drinking. The writer and founder of the motherhood community Not Safe For Mom Group and mom of two living in Brooklyn, New York, tells me she has been drinking one or two martinis a night, every night, since the pandemic hit. “The drinking is now an expected part of my routine, and it has to happen every night. My body has come to expect it,” she said.
Barad-Cutler says she spoke with her psychologist soon after shelter-in-place orders shut down much of New York City, and upped her mental health medications “as high as they can go” to help her deal with the highs and lows. “At first the medication helped,” she explains. “But after a while, the anxiety and impending sense of doom crept back, and at the end of every day alcohol felt like a salve.”
The Tot - Yes, Motherhood Can Be Lonely. Here's How to Cope.
Online support groups
While helpful, in-person support groups aren’t for everyone. Moms with hectic schedules, introverted moms, or those living in remote areas may benefit from finding support online.
Mother and writer, Alexis Barad-Cutler has created “NSFMG (not safe for mom group),”an online space and real-time community where moms can discuss the very vulnerable and nitty-gritty challenges of motherhood. Meant to provide moms a safe, filter-free space, NSFMG invites women to discuss their sex lives, the emotional load of motherhood, postpartum depression, and more.
Bloomberg - A Decade’s Worth of Progress for Working Women Evaporated Overnight
(Bloomberg) -- “The pandemic amplified an already untenable situation, where women are burning the candle at both ends as they drown in work and hack together child care,” says Alexis Barad-Cutler, who runs an online women’s community called Not Safe For Mom Group and has two sons, age 6 and 8.
“Working moms are already earning less to the dollar than our male counterparts and now, because we’re not the higher wage earners, our careers are put to the side again,” says Barad-Cutler, who took charge of home schooling because her husband, an attorney in New York, is the primary breadwinner. She now takes care of her kids during the day and works from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. most nights.
New York Family - The Best Mom Support and Groups in New York City
A group, unlike the usual mom meetups, nsfmg offers support and a stigma-free digital space with a community of mothers from all over the world. This is a safe space where you can express anything on motherhood. Founder Alexis Barad-Cutler founded the group when a popular parenting website took down an essay she had written, deeming it “too controversial.” An excellent platform for mothers who wish to vent and read others stories from all walks of life as well as participate in sharing how they are feeling -like really, feeling via nsfmg popular Instagram Stories, which offers mothers to do anonymously if they choose.
Our September Salon guest, Alexis Barad-Cutler, is a social media genius. Her 8000-strong online community Not Safe For Mom Group (nsfmg) has taken a medium famous for highly-curated branding and careful self-presentation - Instagram - and turned it into a space for authentic storytelling and self-disclosure. Along the way, (nsfmg) has hosted conversations on everything from identity, to infertility, to anti-racism. If you want to learn how to leverage social media for deep audience engagement, you need to be watching Alexis’s work. And if you’re looking for a space to discuss the thornier side of motherhood, you need to join (nsfmg).
The Helm - Perspectives: Musings On Motherhood
From adopting to living child-free and raising differently-abled and non-binary children, five women delve into their personal relationship with motherhood.
Cut + Clarity - “I think it took me a little longer than most to find my groove…”
They say becoming a mother is the best thing that will ever happen to you. They say that the first second you see your baby’s face you will instantly fall in love and live happily ever after in motherhood bliss. But what happens when after 9 months of nurturing this baby in your womb, prepping a nursery, changing your life and anticipating their birth, you look at your baby and think, “My baby is trying to kill me.” When Alexis Barad-Cutler realized she couldn’t relate to any of the warm and fuzzy feelings mom blogs talk about, she felt ashamed and alone.